"We are the future."
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The Brotherhood
Tag me @magneto
Post by Erik Lehnsherr on Jul 27, 2014 18:04:15 GMT
Things had taken quite a turn indeed. Not too long ago, the Brotherhood and X-Men were combating each other when Magneto had been trying to turn humans in mutants. And now, they were teaming up against a common enemy: William Stryker. Magneto had offered the information he knew and together, they could clearly bring this to a stop. However, what they did not realize was that Magneto had no intention of actually stopping it. Merely altering it to benefit mutants rather than humans. The fact that Charles wasn't here made it easier to keep his plans unknown. Right now, he was honest in what he said of them joining together against Stryker. While everyone was settling in their tents, Magneto found sleep difficult. He was still strategizing, still going through each contingency as that was what he often did when planning a grand ploy. One were there were many variables to consider for they had to be prepared for any outcome.
He was outside, the fire growing dim, when he noticed one of the younger generation of X-Men sitting by the fire. Robert, he believed his name was. Magneto did not know him well, though it was easy to quickly assess whom he was closest to. And that, was Rogue. The very girl that Magneto had used to carry out his previous plan. And he would have been successful to. He never wanted to willingly kill a mutant, but she would have been a necessary sacrifice for the greater good. For their cause. A martyr, if you will. Magneto went to sit across the boy, in front of the fire. "Are you not yet tired from your taxing day." From what Magneto had heard, they all seemed to have had quite the adventure. Tag Iceman
Tag me @robertdrake
Post by captainichimarufan on Jul 27, 2014 18:40:08 GMT
xxxxxxxxx After getting the fire practically blow in her face Rouge had long go off something somewhere or to bed. Bobby chose not to say much after his male friend had did that to his girlfriend. Instead he just used the fire to warm his hands. The Pyromaniac seemed depressed in his opinion but , he choice not to ask him about it. The light haired male sighed a little as the flames danced there violent dance in the night. When he seemed to be alone he wondered off to see if rogue was in her tent. Upon reaching the tent he open the zipper and peeked inside. She seemed to be fast asleep so, he zipped the tent back up after watching her for a few moments. After zipping the tent he headed for the tent next to the female mutants. Once inside he layed out on the sleeping bag settled inside. The Ice Mutant layed there for a while with his ice blue eyes open. As a owl hooted outside he sat up. For some reason he could not sleep again and he could not figure out why. The night before had been the same thing. Since he was not going to sleep anytime soon he left his tent. When he arrived outside he noticed that he had forgotten to put out the campfire. After zipping up his tent he headed back over to his spot by the fire. Bobby stared into space for a while trying to figured out what was keeping him awake. A short moment later the man that had stopped their plane from crashing appeared before him. " I guess not" he replied to the man if a calm tone. There, probably would of been more to his answer if rogue had asked. But , Bobby did not feel quite right spilling his guts to a guy that he heard was a bad guy. The guy gave him an unease feeling but , he supposed that was normal. He knew it was probably natural to suspect that a villain had many evil plots up their sleeves. When a slight wind brushed by the fire made crackle noise as it swayed under the moon light.
"We are the future."
Personal Text
The Brotherhood
Tag me @magneto
Post by Erik Lehnsherr on Aug 11, 2014 13:52:15 GMT
The boy's laconic response revealed his discomfort in conversing with Magneto. And Magneto expected nothing less than that. Besides, as he had already previously and easily established, this boy was of a younger generation. He could only imagine what he had heard of the Brotherhood. "You will want to be sure to get adequate rest. There lies a long journey ahead of us." Simple advice. Particularly for a mutant who was perhaps not as accustomed to such missions as the others. He was one of the few fortunate ones who had managed to escape from the school before Stryker's attack. Him, the girl, and the other unfamiliar boy. And of course not forgetting Wolverine. Ah yes. How could Magneto possibly forget the resilient mutant.
"What is your name, dear boy?" He asked, his voice calm, composed, familiar tones which he used to create a more relaxed environment with conversing with another. He asked for he wanted to better acquaint himself with someone that he was inevitably teaming up with. For this would be the new generation of X-Men. And Magneto did not doubt that one day, he would be face to face with this boy and the others in the midst of a battle. Though Erik and Charles had tried in the past, there was no common ground that could be found between his views and the Brotherhood's. Yet ironically, they now stood together against a common enemy. Funny how that worked. And yet disappointing that Charles still could not see humans as the enemy. For he doubted his friend's views would change even after what they had most recently done -- and what they were most likely doing to him now.